Mobile Friendly Advantage

Mobile Friendly Update: Get this done, you are save.

Mobile Friendly Search Traffic

Why? because Google Say So!

Back to 2013 Google’s huge algorithm update to clean out the spam website just to

bring better search result to user experience. Now in 2015, it’s another Huge algorithm update: Mobile friendly website.


With that being said, make sure your website are mobile friendly.


Example if your website are not mobile friendly:

if your Website being rank on page 1 and get tons of organic traffic in the past, will lose 60% of the organic traffic after this Google algorithm update.(Google roll out this update on 21th of April 2015)


*Hint: maybe you haven’t feel the loss yet, because it just the beginning of Google algorithm update, sooner of later you will feel it.
links to check your website for mobile friendly test (keep reading before you check it out)

How to fix it?

1) talk to your web designer to rebuild the website with mobile friendly feature (which is pain in the butt)

2) if your website is build with wordpress, there is a simple way by just change to a mobile-friendly theme.(not the best, but still ok)
or you can use wordpress plug-in called “Jet-Pack” to fix it (activate and link with wordpress account)

3) for advanced solution from seo expert: contact me or enquiries and I will fix it by build you a customize mobile version of your current website
(with special SEO optimize of course)




P.S. Huge advantage if you act fast:

your website ranking can be ahead over the big player, as there are many giant companies out there which their website are not mobile friendly.


Ok, that is it for now. Feel free to share or like this post if you think this is cool for you.

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Until next post & THANKS for reading.


The SEO 2012-2014 in my eyes

Different in SEO between 2012- 2014



Hi, this is ever 1st post on my SEO blog website – Geek Edge. I like to talk about how much different in SEO from 2012- 2014.

There are seem lot of changes in between by “Google Slap Update”, Ouch…But there is something core part still the same,

just that you need to take care on keyword diversity, Natural looks link patent & Website Branding.


(A picture shows that what I write on my white board since 2011, most of it still works in 2014)


The graph I draw on white board is looks like a solar system   😛

Think of your Website (money site as Sun – the core of the solar system)

then your money site have some small planet surround by (the close to your money site one is Tier 1 & the far planet as Tier 2)


The Natural linking Patent

So the tier 1 is web2.0 property, Social site (facebook, Twitter, Google +, youtube…etc) that have link to your Money Site.

Tier 2 is massive links that link to your all Tier 1 sites randomly. Tier 2 are mostly low quality blog comment or Wiki site that with a link back to tier 1 sites.

Some people also create another Tier 3 for safety purpose, just in case Over Kill the links on Tier 1 or 2.
(Update: 25/ JULY /2015 : the seo expert suggest spread your tier up to 4 or 5  for better ranking results as Google can track down all links building tier up to tier 4 ) 


SEO 2014 Highlight

  • Don’t Over Optimize the anchor text & keyword
  • 1-2% only Keyword density for Main Keyword
  • Use Symptoms version of Keyword
  • LSI/ Long Tails Keywords
  • Branding your Money site & make it looks like an Authority Website in your Targeted Niche


Ok, that is it for now. Feel free to share or like this post if you think this is cool for you.

Be sure you also like Geek Edge Fans Page, so you will never miss any new post update in future 😀

Until next post & THANKS for reading.
